Week 1: Brainstorm the scope of project

From Jason Chiau:

How do human find unknown notations?

I will find the nearest clickable link and click on it hoping it can take me one step closer to the answer. By doing this recursively, I can find my answer most of the time.

What if I solely let computer imitate this process?

I can traversal Wikipedia, make a subset with the notation that I don't understand and then do a PageRank or DFS.

What is the problem in doing this?

  • How can I generate core explanation from the page I find.

  • What if the target is not textual searchable?

  • What if the same notation can refer to completely different things?

  • If so, how can I take context into consideration?

  • If the search term is a math formula, what is the programmable representation of it? latex? image?

  • How to deal with different descriptions of the same problem? NLP -> search -> NLG?

  • If we are going to do the search, is it pre-indexed or dynamic?

From Jenny:

I think we can start from parsing latex files since it's pretty formatted. There are two sourses of math symbols/equations:

  • symbols that are defined within the file: we could do a lookup?

  • symbols that are convention: may need to search on Wikipedia -> PageRank (like Jason mentioned)

In terms of the length of equation we are targeting, I think we could start with single symbols first. Because NLG for math equation may not be as straight forward as CSS description in the paper.

I did literature review, but it seems there is not any math equation explanation software yet. However, I did find some math parsers (more like math calculator) online:

These only supports a fix set of operations, so I assume they have a pre-built classes and functions. But we can learn about how they interpret the math equations.

From Lysia:

What could be leveraged from Tutoron?


  • Detection of math equations/notation
  • Parse detected region
  • Explain by traversing the parse structure

Design guideline

  • Reappropriate existing tool/parsers like mentioned by Jenny

  • Inspect large-scale math equations in the field ahead of time to mine common usage


  • web app


Where to start? Papers? Wikipedia page?

  • latex? pdf?

  • Either papers or Wikipedia page, we should pick a field, e.g Neural Network related paper/wiki pages

Explanation of a simple math notation or explanation of an entire equation?

  • e.g in Tutoron, it achieved both: explain each argument for wget, and also explain the purpose of the entire line of code

Final deliverable?

  • web plug in? chrome extension? pdf plug in? similar to Tutoron?

Potential user

  • People from academia, e.g grad students, professors, researchers, etc

Potential technical skills involved

  • How to build a parse tree? How to generate simple languages?

  • Search

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